Custodial Care Cash Management Software
For organizations with the fiduciary responsibility for managing and tracking money for persons under their supervision. This could include in-patient mental health facilities, facilities that supervise developmentally disabled individuals, prisons, juvenile detention facilities, etc. PC Bennett provides a comprehensive solution to this challenging responsibility.
Flexible Setup and Configuration
System-wide settings with Facility-level and Client-Level overrides
- Restitution Withholding and Payment
- Cost of Care Deductions
- Personal Needs Allowance
- Over-Earnings Deduction
- Over-Resource Deduction
- Spending Limits
- Petty Cash Withdrawal Limits
- Account Overdraw Rules and Limits
- Intra-Facility ‘Wage’ Rates
- Facility Locations & Rooms
- Multiple Unique ID’s
- Multiple Accounts per Client (Banks Accounts and/or Intra-Facility Accounts)
- Witness Requirements for Client Transactions
- Sources and Uses of Funds
- Vendors
- Scheduled Recurring Payments

Comprehensive Transaction Processing
- Mass Import / Processing of Checks Received / Deposited
- Mass Processing of Checks to Vendors (Recurring, Ad-Hoc, Automated)
- Pooled Bank Account Interest Allocation
- Account Transfers & Adjustments
- Informational-Only Transactions
- Rules-Based Distribution of Funds on Move/Discharge
- Streamlined Import/Entry of Intra-Facility ‘Wages’ Earned
- Petty Cash Withdrawals / Change Returned / Receipt Tracking
- Simple Reversal of All Client Transactions (Controlled by Security Configuration)
- Lump-sum Payment Deferred from Cost of Care Deductions
The system comes with a fully-functional Report Writer module plus a Generic Inquiry tool. It also comes with multiple Pre-Built Reports and Inquiries, including:
- Account Summary By Client – For a specified date, shows account balances by Client.
- Report to Guardian – For a specified date range, a statement of account activity, along with the beginning and ending balance for each client assigned to a guardian. Includes both a Summary and Detail version.
- Client Statement – For a specified date range, a statement of cash activity, along with the overall beginning and ending balance for each client.
- Sources and Uses of Cash – For a specified date range, shows the Number and Dollar Amount of each type of transaction by Source/Use of Funds types for each client.
- Client Discharge Inquiry – Shows the Status of Clients currently in the Move/Discharge process.
- Detailed Inquiries of Client Activity by Date Range:
- Cost of Care
- Over-Resource
- Over-Earnings
- Restitution Payments
- All Transaction Details